How to Find Out Who Designed a Business Card: A Comprehensive Guide

Business cards play a crucial role in networking and building professional relationships. Business cards are a way to share important details about a person or company, and their design can make a lasting impact. But what happens if you stumble upon a business card with a remarkable design and you’re curious to know who made it? Looking for inspiration or wanting to hire a designer? Discovering the creator of a business card can be an intriguing adventure. Are you looking for a way to find out who designed a business card? I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide on finding the best professional design services to design business cards!

Inspect the Card for Clues

Company Logo and Contact Information
Let’s start with the basics. Take a look at the card and see if there are any logos, names, or contact information that could give you some clues. Designers often leave their mark in a subtle way, like placing a small logo or initials in a corner.
Design Credits
Many business cards have a design credit or a note that mentions the designer or design agency. It is more common for cards to be designed by  professional design services .
QR Codes
Some modern business cards now include QR codes that can be scanned to access the designer’s portfolio or the company’s website. Sometimes, scanning these can actually help you find the designer right away.

Ask the Cardholder

Direct Inquiry
If you want to find out, the easiest thing to do is to ask the person who gave you the card. Perhaps they have a direct connection to the designer or can give you a helpful lead.
Network References
If the cardholder is not aware, they may direct you to someone in their network who has the information. Networking is often a great way to get fast results.

Search Online

Google Search
Try using Google to search for any specific text or phrases that are on the card. If you type the company name and “business card design” into the search bar, you’ll find relevant results.
Reverse Image Search
You may use either Google Images or TinEye to attach a picture of the business card. Sometimes, these platforms are able to find a match between the image and online portfolios or websites where the card is displayed.

Social Media Investigation

You can try searching for the cardholder or the company on LinkedIn. Many times, professional designers and design agencies will use this platform to connect with their clients.
Instagram and Pinterest
Many designers often choose to display their work on popular visual platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. When searching, try using hashtags that are relevant to your needs, such as #businesscarddesign, #graphicdesign, or specific hashtags related to the industry of the card you are looking for.
Behance and Dribbble
Designers often use these platforms to showcase their portfolios. If you search for the card’s company name or related tags, you may be able to find information about the designer.

Design Communities and Forums

If you’re looking to identify the designer of a card, you can try posting an image of it on subreddits like r/graphic design or r/Design Jobs. These communities are great for getting help and engaging with others who have knowledge in the field.
Design Forums
You can find sections on websites like Graphic Design Forum or Typophile where you can ask for help in identifying designers.

Professional Networks

AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts)
The American Institute of Graphic Designers (AIGA) is a well-known design organization in the United States. For your ease, they provide a database of designers and firms that you may look through.
Other Professional Bodies
There are many countries that have their own design associations and directories. One may find leads by searching for them.

Contact Design Agencies

Local Design Agencies
It is possible that local design firms were responsible for the card’s design if it was created by a local company. If you get in touch with a few local organizations, they will be able to lead you in the correct path very fast.
Specialized Agencies
There are several companies that excel in the design business cards. It is possible that a focused query to these agencies would provide results.

Take you


to the Next Level

Utilize Online Marketplaces

Fiverr and Upwork
A large number of graphic designers are hosted on these freelancing sites. Finding a unique design style that is comparable to the card you are studying may sometimes be accomplished by searching through the portfolios that are available on these websites.
Etsy is yet another marketplace where creators share their bespoke business card designs with potential buyers. You may be able to locate the designer by doing a search on Etsy.

Networking Events and Trade Shows

Design Conferences
Going to design conferences or trade events may offer you the opportunity to speak directly with designers and agencies. If you have the card with you, it will make it easier to make queries on the spot.
Business Networking Events
A number of local firms and their designers are often featured at these events. Here, networking may help you build direct contacts with other people.

Industry Publications and Awards

Design Magazines
Examples of publications that often showcase excellent business card designs and the designers who created them include Print, Communication Arts, and HOW.
Design Awards
Websites that sponsor design contests and prizes, such as the American Graphic Design prizes or the A’ Design Award, often include the winners and the projects they created, which may include business cards.

Networking Events and Trade Shows

Printer’s Mark
It is possible to find the printer’s mark or name printed on some design business cards. You may be able to find the designer by getting in touch with the printing firm.
Local Printers
It is possible to find the printer’s mark or name printed on some business cards. You may be able to find the designer by getting in touch with the printing firm.
A combination of investigative abilities, networking, and a little luck may lead to an exciting procedure of determining who developed a business card. Searching the card for hints, using both online and offline resources, and connecting with design forums and social media may frequently lead you to the creator of the card. In addition to satisfying your natural curiosity, this adventure has the potential to introduce you to interesting people and ideas for future creative endeavors. Following these steps will allow you to discover who designed the business cards you enjoy, whether you’re a fellow designer, a company owner, or someone who just appreciates outstanding design. This journey can also help you find professional design services to create your own exceptional business cards.